About Kaniak Expeditions
We unapologetically focus on quality over quantity. We target on-foot and sight fishing opportunities.
Our Mission & Vision
We believe fly fishing opens the world to modern-day exploration. In our opinion, words like luxury and pampered are not a prerequisite to quality saltwater fly fishing. We offer hosted saltwater fly fishing camps for adventurous anglers.
We believe fly fishing can be a force for good and drive conservation of fragile ecosystems for future generations. We practice strict catch & release fishing for target species.
How It Started
In July 2017, I left investment banking to dirtbag my way around the world in search of fly fishing and bowhunting adventure.
I fooled bonefish in The Keys during the madness of mini lobster season, fed hoppers to rising Cutthroat’s under a Yellowstone sunset, shacked up with a cougar in Jackson Hole, melted frozen boot laces with a camp stove while solo elk hunting the Montana backcountry, landed my first GT on fly on the flats of a far flung atoll in Indonesia, learned to motorbike during Friday rush hour in Hanoi, Vietnam, walked away from a Tokyo bar girl ‘drink spiking’ a couple dollars poorer and a friendship richer, MacGyvered a jungle generator to watch my Dawgs fall to Alabama yet again, landed a possible world record Ocean Triggerfish in Nicaragua, and promised myself to make it back to these places and experiences once again.
The Start of Kaniak Expeditions
Those 8 months were everything I had dreamed of while toiling away at a Bloomberg terminal on the bond trading floor. These adventures also laid the foundation for Kaniak Expeditions. In fact, many of my first clients were folks I met along the way.
My goal with Kaniak Expeditions is to help you feel the exhilaration and satisfaction of skill-based wilderness pursuits. On-foot saltwater fly fishing is not easy, and that's exactly what makes it so enrapturing. I am also driven by the belief that first hand experience in nature creates committed conservationists. By learning to give a damn about these beautiful places that house these incredible creatures, we might just save it after all.